
At the heart of AYLF is the dream that leaders in Africa will know how to reconcile relationships, speak the truth without being religious or divisive, see people without labels or stereotypes, and ultimately love each other and those whom they lead.

Small Groups:
These happen regularly at all the universities where we operate and themmain aim of these small groups is that they are a powerful tool to personal and leadership development.

Coordinator’s Retreat:
This is an annual event that is meant to refocus all the coordinators and get refreshed for the whole year. To refocus and rejuvenate the coordinators.
Female Student Leader’s Conference:
Research carried out by the Africa Youth Leadership Forum has shown that approximately 28% of University leadership positions are occupied by female students. It is in light of this that Africa Youth Leadership Forum initiated the Female Student Leadership Conference; to empower and support young women aspiring to lead. We believe that these women will be the pillars that influence our community in the next decades.

Dean’s & Patron’s Breakfast: This is an event that brings all the Deans and patrons from the Universities where we operate. This is meant to help build relationships between the University administration and the small group at that particular University.

Leadership Conversation: This is a platform where leaders in society gather to address topical issues in society in a conversation format. The primary audience are Youth leaders at Secondary, University and post university level although the conversations are also open to the general public that is interested.

Annual Gathering: This event brings together a host of student leaders from Universities in Uganda, the wider region of East Africa and some parts of Europe. The 4-day Gathering includes attendance of the Uganda National Prayer Breakfast in Kampala. This event aims to bring the leadership of the country together to reconsider the importance of our national unity across what divides us and as well help to point the way towards a new future.

Student Leader’s Award: These are awards organised to recognise the most exceptional university student leaders in Uganda every year. Leaders are nominated and assessed based on the AYLF values and recognised during the Annual Gathering.

Student Leadership Development Program (SLDP): SLDP is a leadership training program designed to help leaders acquire habits that enable them lead effectively. The 9-week program will consist both virtual and physical lessons facilitated by top leaders. At the end of the program, you will receive a certificate and get invited to join a movement of young leader’s small groups in Uganda.

Student Leader’s Orientation/Induction:

This is a one-day event where we do induction for the Student leaders in the Universities where we have small groups

Alumni Meetings: These are meetings that bring all AYLF alumnus together.

Outreach Programs: These are activities organised by University small groups to reach out to the communities around the universities. These include; Cleaning hospitals, mentoring secondary school student with the AYLF materials, Cleaning Universities etc.

Upcountry Visits:
This is the country office visits the upcountry universities like in Gulu, Fort portal, Mbarara, Masaka etc with an aim of ensuring consistency within the small groups.