Welcome to the second edition of the AYLF-Uganda newsletter 2022 , Our theme for this editions is “Transitions”. As AYLF we believe that transitions are important in life because this is a period involving lots of change and this change often comes in different forms,which can either be joyful, stressful
or a combination of both. Sometimes people change their relationships, jobs, where they live, beliefs
and even their goals in life as a result of change.
Transitions involve lots of change to our lifestyle and they might be as a result of important events
that make you stop and evaluate your life. Experiences like marriage, new baby, a new home, new
leadership position, or a new job can be exciting. However, changes are not without their stressors.
When you experience change you become vulnerable because the flow of life has changed.
You might notice yourself feeling worried, stressed, tired/fatigued, or experiencing sleeping or
eating problems. Perhaps you notice a shift in your mood or physical pains not explained by any
medical explanation. Adjusting to change is challenging. As leaders, sometimes it becomes very hard
to adjust to these transitions. As they always say, when shifts and transitions in life shake you
to the core, see that as a sign of the greatness that is about to occur. We hope that the
words shared here from both our mentors and fellow young leaders will help us improve in
how we manage transitions in life.
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