Welcome to the AYLF Uganda’s first edition of the Newsletter whose main goal is to keep
you informed about our programs and inspired with stories and articles from our small group leaders, members, patrons and alumni. Stories and articles that we know will not only enrich your leadership journey but get you curious about joining us on this adventure of nurturing Africa’s next generation of leaders.
While we cannot predict what the impact of the Corona Virus crisis will be in Uganda in the long run, we know that we must support the University AYLF small groups and all people that count on us not only to survive but also to rebuild sustainably. We must replenish the shock absorbers that helped us sail through the crisis so they can carry us through the next one. This involves replenishing our relationships and restoring those that did not survive the tide, empowering our small groups and their leaders, refreshing our interventions and picking up from where we stopped before the pandemic, especially in those areas where the pandemic caused decline.
To read more info in the newsletter click the Link below;