Welcome to the last edition of the AYLF-Uganda newsletter for 2021, it has been an exhilarating year. Our theme for this edition is “Leveraging Youthfulness”. As AYLF we believe that or any meaningful change to happen in our world, young people need to be engaged not as beneficiaries but key
participants and contributors across all goals and targets. All effort must be made to bring young people to the fore in the development of society especially the young leaders because youth is synonymous with
creativity, hope, passion, resilience, energy and a desire to learn. These ideas permeated our 2021 AYLF-Gathering and we share some highlights and key addresses in this newsletter. As 2021 comes to an end, we know that our challenges as a country, a region and young people are not behind us yet.
We hope that the words shared here from both our mentors and fellow young leaders will anchor us as we continue into next year. Hope to see you in 2022 still dreaming and leading.
(RT.HON JACOB.L.OULANYAH) Thank you very much for this opportunity to interact with young people once again, I’ve done this a few times and each time I do it, I feel more inspired than the time before. I remember myself growing up, struggling every morning to walk seven kilometers to school on a footpath road with dew, rain and flooding rivers. Braving days without lunch trying to figure out a future I could not even understand. But we were there walking from 5am to go to school on the motivation of my father who kept saying “if you go to school things will change”.
To read more info in the newsletter click the Link below;